A Thank You to the Pioneers

I’m a history buff. I love the history of things. It’s been said that you can’t truly know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve been. The digital forensics world, both traditional and DFIR, is populated today by an amazing wealth of incredible practitioners and knowledge. I’m very proud and humbled to stand together with these people. That said, I thought it might be time to offer a thank you to those earliest pioneers of our craft who blazed the trail the rest of us hope to follow. If you don’t know some of the people on this list, do a little research; find out who they are and why they’re important to all of us. Thank them, too, if you get the chance. Ours is a very high pressure, fast paced life and taking a moment now and then to reflect on those that made our passion possible and thanking them for their efforts is well worth any time it takes.

This list isn’t all inclusive and I’ve likely left one or a few off that should be here. Also, not all of them are still with us, but there are enough to keep us busy for a while. Be sure to share this post around your forensic circles.

Cory Altheide
Mike Anderson
Brian Carrier
Harlan Carvey
Eoghan Casey
Steve Choy
Jim Christy
Richard Cordovano
Dorothy Denning
Dan Farmer
Andy Fried
Chuck Guzis
Gord Hama
Roland Lascola
Jack Lewis
Sandy Mapstone
Dan Mares
Karen Matthews
Donn Parker
Ron Peters
Andy Rosen
Tom Seipert
Gene Spafford
Cliff Stoll
Wietse Venema

Thank you all for the hard work, dedication, and often selfless service to others. Digital forensics and cyber investigations wouldn’t be where it is today without you.


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