Positronikal Chronikal Reanimated!

Sounds like the title to a 60’s-era Hammer film, doesn’t it? Reanimating this old blog may not be as scary to you as it is to me actually. It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here and the previous things I did post, well, they don’t appear to have been all that interesting. The Positronikal Chronikal started out as a tech blog covering all things tech that interested me – Web technologies, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), GNU/Linux, digital forensics, 3D graphics and animation, vector/raster graphics design, digital music creation, digital video editing, etc, etc. To be honest, blogging about things I liked instead of doing or even reading about those things turned out less appealing to me than it did to those for whom I might have been writing. Oh well…

So by now, if you’re reading this, those old posts are gone (I hope) and the Positronikal Chronikal is heading in a more focused direction. Positronikal is still my catch-all project moniker, but these days I’m more narrowly focused on digital forensics et al, so that’s what you’ll see here for the most part. Hopefully some of you will find it interesting and informative. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please add them to the appropriate post or contact me directly, whichever you prefer.


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