And just when you thought...
...that the Chronikal was dead, alas, it lives! I've been busy lately sprucing up all the places where Positronikal might be found, to include a new home on the interwebs: . I'm still in the process of populating projects, getting things moved around, and such as that. There will definitely be new digital forensic tools added there in the coming weeks, not the least of which will be installments that make up what I've named the Carnivore Digital Forensic System. I won't spend too much time on that now as I have an entire blog post in mind that will explain it all in detail. For the time being, I have two placeholder projects there that I'll move to my personal repository soon. I just needed something in place until I get some of these forensic tools up. I will say that I'm looking for sponsors to help promote these new tools. I'll be formally approaching those the entities that I have initially in mind with a prop...